About Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
The Strawberry Patchers were granted a charter and became a Chapter of the Arizona Quilters Guild on October 1, 1994.
The website for the Arizona Quilters Guild is www.azquiltersguild.org
Currently, we have 43 members.
We welcome anyone who is interested in quilting at any skill level to join our Chapter.
We meet in the Isabelle Hunt Memorial Public Library Activity Room in Pine, Arizona. This building is just west of the Pine/Strawberry Community Center.
Our meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. Check our calendar page for information on our meetings, activities, and events.
We participate in several local events, make comfort quilts for others, plus participate in a wide variety of ‘fun stuff’ throughout the year!
Advancement of the Quilting Arts:​​
We have classes for our members inviting teachers from outside our Chapter and within our membership.